Prof. Farouk Yalaoui
Full Professor at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)
Senior Director for Research at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)
Scientific Director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation”
Prof. Dr. habil in Production Management, University of Technology of Troyes
Member of the Algerian Science and Technology Academy (AAST)
Full Professor at Université de Technologie de Troyes
Senior Director for Research at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT)
Scientific director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation”
Professional Activities:
July 2020-Today: Full Professor, Senior Director for Research at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), Director of the Charles Delaunay Institute; Scientific director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation”.
2018-2020: Full Professor, Director of ISIFT; Scientific director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation”.
2012-2017: Full Professor, Head of LOSI Lab., scientific director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation”, Special Advisor to the University President
2007-2012: Full Professor, Head of Master Program, Head of Engineer Specialization, University of Technology of Troyes. Head of research group “production optimization” LOSI Lab.
2001- 2007: Associate Professor, Head of Master Program, Head of Engineer Specialization, University of Technology of Troyes.
2000- 2001: Assistant Professor, University of Technology of Troyes.
1997- 2000: Researcher, University of Technology of Troyes.
Dr. Hab, (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), France, 2006.
Ph. D., (Doctor of Science) in Production Management, University of Technology of Troyes, 2000.
M. Sc. in Industrial System Engineering from Polytechnics Institute of Lorraine, France, 1997.
Engineer degree in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnics School of Algiers Algeria, in 1995.
Outstanding Research Award, IEOM Society International, 14th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Dubai. This prestigious award, presented by Prof. Eldon Glen Caldwell Marin, Prof. Ahad Ali and Prof.Don Reimer acknowledges Prof. Yalaoui's exceptional leadership and his significant contributions to industrial engineering and operations management. February 2024.
Yong Author Award Finalist, prix IFAC MIM 2022, June 22-24, 2022, Nantes France, Integrated Lot Sizing and Pricing Problem Under Cross-price Demand Model. Terzi Mourad, Ouazene Yassine, Yalaoui Alice & Yalaoui Farouk.
Prix “Les Cas d’Or” 2002, prix de la Région Grand Est concernant les meilleurs projets en collaboration avec le monde soci-économique (« Logistique Hospitalière » avec OPTA et HCS Troyes)
Outstanding Paper Award, International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS 2019), 23-25 July 2019, Istanbul, Turkey. Article "A simultaneous lot-sizing and scheduling problem with energetic aspects" published by Oussama Masmoudi, Alice Yalaoui, Yassine Ouazene, Hicham Chehade and Farouk Yalaoui.
Commended Paper Award 2019, IFAC MIM 2019 : Paulin Couzon, Yassine Ouazene, Farouk Yalaoui. Joint pricing and lot-sizing problem with variable capacity. MIM’2019 - Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, 28-30 August, 2019, Conference IFAC in 2019, Berlin, Germany,
The IFAC Fance Service Award recognizes deserving colleagues who have rendered significant service to our community within IFAC. (Annual Award 20117 of the IFAC French National Member Organization (NMO)) 2017.
Member of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology AAST, from 2015,
Best paper Awards, OPRA 2015, (K. Amrouche, M. Boudhar, F. Yalaoui. Complexity results of a chain chain reentrante shop with an exact time lag. ORPA'2015: Operational Research Practice in Africa Conference 2015. 20-22 Apr 2015 Algiers (Algeria))
Holder of the Scientific Excellence Award (SEA) 2009-2013, 2014-2017.
Prize for the best thesis 2010 from the Chancellery of the Universities of the Academy of Reims for H. Chehade (framed thesis 2006-209)
Holder of the 2005-2009 Doctoral and Research Supervision Grant (PEDR)
In 2003, article selected and published among the best IIE Transactions articles in the IIE Solutions magazine for a wide audience worldwide (25,000 copies).
Professional memberships:
Member of the Board of Directors of the Fonds de Dotation of Champagne Sud Hospitals, Troyes, France, since 2019.
Member and founder member of IGESIF (Initiative Grand Est Services et Industries du Futur) since 2018.
Member of the Algerian science and Technology Academy AAST, since 2015,
Member of IFAC Technical Committee TC 5.1. Manufacturing plant Control, IFAC (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL), since 2015.
Member of National Council of universities, CNU, 61st Division, France, Since 2012. numeroSection=61
IIE association
INFORMS Institute.
French Operational research society (ROADEF)
System Design working group (GDR MACS of French national Center for scientific Research, CNRS)
Algerian GEII network (GEII-DZ) (DGRSDT, Algeria) Coordinator
Algerian Competences Association (ACA)
Founder and Partner member of the OPTA LP start-up (Since 2013)
Other activities and responsibilities:
Member of Scientific committee of BICS / BigEst, AICS, since 2020.
Member of Board of Hôpitaux Champagne Sud, Troyes Foundation, France, since 2019
HCERES Evaluation committee president, 2019.
Member of Scientific council of GIS Smatrtôles-s-mart, since 2018
Head of Industrial System Optimization Laboratory (LOSI), ICD UMR CNRS 6182, 2012-2018.
Chargé de mission/ Special Advisor to the UTT University President "Usine du Futur", 2016-2017.
Member of National Council of universities, CNU, 61st Division, France, Since 2012. http://www.cpcnu/membresSection.htm?option=menuSection&numeroSection=61, Since 2012
Member of Scientific Evaluation committee of French Research National Agency (Comité d'évaluation scientifique, ANR) (CES 22 Défi 6 Mobilités et Système Urbains), 2015, 2016, 2017.
Member of Selection committee of Université de Clermont Ferrand (LIMOS) 2020, Université de Bourgogne, 2020, UTBM, Belfort 2013; G-SCOP lab.: Grenoble-INP, UJF, CNRS, 2011 ; URCA, Reims 2011.
Vice Chair of IFAC Technical Committee 5.2 Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control. IFAC (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL) since 2014
WG Co-Chair (Advanced multi-criteria applications in manufacturing and logistics) of IFAC Technical Committee TC 5.2. Manufacturing Modelling for Management and Control, IFAC (INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL)
Head of Global Master Program STS UTT, 2007-2012.
Head of "Combinatorial Optimization for production systems design and management" Axe of OSI Team (research group). STMR CNRS UMR 6279, 2008-Today.
Member of the evaluation committee of AERES/HCERES (Agence Evaluation de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur), French Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, since 2014, 2018, 2019.
Algerian National Research Agency Expert (PNR 13), since 2009.
Head, Engineer specialization “Production management”, UTT, 2006-2011.
Director (Supervisor) of 28 Ph.D thesis since 2001 (Best PhD. Champagne-Ardennes Academy Thesis 2009).
Director (Supervisor) of more 36 Master of Sc. Student projects.
Invited professor of universities: Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. Escuela Colombianade Ingenieria Julio Garavito. Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Campus Toluca, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL), Berlin, Allemagne. Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées (CDTA). Université Hadj Lakhdar, Batna, Algérie. Université UFMG (Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais) Belo Horizonte, Brésil. Université Abdelamalek Essaadi, Tanger-Tetouane, Maroc. Université Ibn Toufeil, Kénitra, Maroc.